07815 442408
Tyger's Head Church Lane, Tonbridge, TN9 1DA


How many sessions will we need?

Most couples who are serious about wanting to make changes in their relationships see changes in 6 – 12 sessions. We will review the process regularly to ensure that the work remains focused on what is important to you.

My partner thinks the problems are all my fault- will you blame me too?

Therapists see relationships as being co-created which means that the situation you find yourself in is one that you both play a part in, and both share in developing.

Will we have to talk about sex ? I would find this embarrassing.

In relationship therapy we discuss what is important and relevant for you. If sex isn’t an issue for either of you then it won’t be a focus. Sex is an important element for most couple relationships and should it be an area you would like to discuss you may find this is easier than you expect with a trained and experienced therapist.

I feel our relationship is over – is it worth coming to talk?

Many people do find the support of a professional useful in this transition.

My partner doesn’t want to come. Is it worth me coming on my own?

Yes, many individuals find it helpful to confide in a therapist and have their support. Your partner may want to consider attending an initial session to see what therapy has to offer.
It can feel exhausting to cope with relationship problems on your own when you feel it’s all down to you. Your therapist will support you. This can relieve the stress of feeling you are tackling the problem on your own, and as the stress subsides this puts you in a better place to communicate.